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Dream consciousness is waking consciousness without physical constraints. Waking consciousness is dream consciousness with physical constraint - Stephen LaBerge

Inspired by the Tibetan Buddhist practice of dream yoga and the Western psychological construct of lucid dreaming, Collective Consciousness | Collective Dreams (CCCD) is an open-ended research project and choreographic practice conceived by Chung Nguyen, which emerges from the curiosity of lines manifested out of the meditative experiences of mind-body and sleep/dreaming experience.

The Vietnamese title of this project is Nằm-Mơ-Tỉnh, which means resting, dreaming, and awakening.


CCCD seeks to develop an understanding of the mechanisms of dreaming and consciousness, through contemplative practices, and in the creative process. It aims to explore not only the relationship between dreamer and dream, waking reality and sleep/dream experience, and body and mind, but also the substrate consciousness (Sanskrit: Alaya vijnana; the relative ground state of one individual mind-stream,  from which mental activities emerge and into which they dissolve, life to life).

Along the process, one’s subjective experience during the (night) sleep or from the meditative experiences of mind and body could be manifested or translated into different forms such as text, scribbles/lines, vocal sound, movement, video, and so on. These materials are then collected and contemplated in the waking state. Ultimately, they could be stored as a digital archive of dream bodies.

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